Thursday, January 24, 2013

Middle Class Billionaires

A revealing common sense perspective of how the middle class is better off today than in times past. I highly recommend reading this Wall Street Journal article. And, then notify your favorite politician and encourage them to make decisions based upon the right information versus believing their own sound bites.

Despite assertions by progressives who complain about stagnant wages, inequality and the (always) disappearing middle class, middle-class Americans have more buying power than ever before. They live longer lives and have much greater access to the services and consumer products bought by billionaires. [From WSJ by Donald J. Boudreaux and Mark J. Perry]

~ Alan

Monday, January 21, 2013

It's No Dream... I Have Seen the Future

On this Martin Luther King holiday, it is only appropriate that instead of "having a dream", I'll say, "I have seen the future and I believe it to be an incredible future for humanity!"

Today is also the President's Inauguration and most likely some grand words will be spoken laced with the standard finger pointing, blame and creating fear in the weak-minded. For the strong-minded, who think for yourselves and know what is real and not, thanks for taking some of your valuable time to read my blog.

Now, to the future I have seen and actually experienced. It is a simple story, yet one I have pondered and come to believe will be one of the solutions to the vast amount of waste, inefficiencies and ineffectiveness in government. Bill Clinton's famous declaration the end of big government was over, I believe finally has some legs to it and we will see it come to fruition in our lifetime. 

We the People have been rising up for a long time and the time has come. In the midst of some of the most ineffective, leaderless politicians, the Faithful Majority have been hard at work to make some really big stuff happen. Of course, the weakest of the politicians will declare a personal victory while the more mature politicians will acknowledge the People and give credit where credit is due. The ego-driven politicians will seek to be immortalized while we all know they just happened to be in the right place at the right time. The Faithful Majority know a great leader when they see one and the Faithful Majority knows great leaders like George Washington, Abraham Lincoln and Martin Luther King - and Mr. President, you are no where near being even a leader.

Take a moment to consider not only the vast advances in technology, but how the Internet has made it possible for people to gather in-depth information that has not been filtered and sound-bited by some inexperienced, just writing another column reporter. Or, even worse, by some inexperienced, just wanting to get re-elected politician.

Now, back to the future. Seriously, my wife and I were shopping for another car and I noticed the billboards for a 1.9% auto loans at Randolph Brooks Federal Credit Union. We walk into a local branch office, here in Austin, and a nice young man greets us with a warm welcome and asks if we are there to meet with someone. I respond that we want to inquire about the 1.9% auto loan. He asks me to input my basic contact information into a computer console and explains that the information is just for their immediate use. I input my name and check why I am there. The young man has stepped back from the console while I make my input. The moment I click "okay", the young man steps up and says, "Thank you, Mr and Mrs Goldsberry. Please come into my office."

We sit down at his desk and we proceed to answer a couple more questions and he inputs some information into his computer and then instructs us to face a monitor and a young lady in San Antonio appears on the screen that is using a Polycom video link. She sees us and after brief introductions, she explains she is one of the loan officers and will help us with our loan. As we proceed through the process, which is taking just minutes, she gathers the information she needs and then provides our information to a "loan committee", which by regulations, our loan request has to go to the committee. This takes a few more minutes and the young lady on the monitor returns and says, "you have been approved for the 1.9% and the committee would like to offer you a higher amount for your car loan than you requested."

We declined the additional amount, as we already had a car picked out. In the next few minutes a few additional things were signed and the credit union branch manager presents us with a check to use when we purchase the car. We walk out with the check and go buy the car using the credit union check and drive away with the car.

Two weeks later, I receive a call from the credit union that the check has cleared and they need to finalize on the loan. After just a few more minutes, we complete this process and the documents are signed. In the meantime, I have received, by postal mail, the auto registration and new license tags for the car.

Total time getting the loan and buying the car was less than one hour. All the way through the process, we dealt face-to-face or video-to-face with experts who knew what they were doing and everyone was very efficient and focused on making sure we were served with the highest degree of excellence. Yes, even the car sales professional at the dealership. If car salesmen can change, then you have to know the world is changing.

Here's the future I've seen and here's my prediction. Within the next ten years this same process will be implemented across primary governmental agencies. While hundreds of thousands of jobs will be removed, never to be seen again, at governmental agencies, this reduction in jobs will be through normal attrition and retirement.

Take a moment to consider just how much of your life is now transacted through technology. This has been the plan for a long, long time and it is now that technology is being leveraged by people who require much less training to become experts in a required field of service and they can use technology to serve hundreds of people as opposed to the traditional customer service methods. And, there will be plenty more jobs created who will support the customer service experts to be the best they can be.

It is a brand new world and the future is now. And, while the politicians focus on getting re-elected and grandstanding, people like you and me, The Faithful Majority, are changing the world because we see the future and the future is We the People - the dreams and visions of America's Founders, all along. And, they knew the only stumbling block would be the human condition and bumbling politicians.

Believe in God, yourself and the Faithful Majority, who all together are creating a most amazing future!

Download The Faithful Majority: Common Sense Re-Revisited

~ Alan